How to buy a painting?
Online galleries are a dime a dozen.
Buying art online…
You have an almost infinite choice.
You can order all paintings comfortably to your home.
Comparing prices is easy.

How can I buy art?
There are many ways how to get your own piece of art / painting – and without knowledge and a large fortune.
Inform and buy on the Internet – online store.
One can bet on artist editions.
One can also buy cheaply from young artists.
Visit art fairs and university exhibitions. Art galleries that specialize in young artists are excellent.

Why is it worth visiting a gallery?
In a gallery, visitors have the opportunity to view works of art. In addition, interested people can discover new, yet unknown artists in galleries and deal intensively with their works. In contrast to a museum, the exhibited works can of course also be purchased. So if you’re looking for a special gift or an unusual piece for your own four walls, you’ll find it in galleries.

Should one invest in art?
Why is art worth investing in? For investors, art is often much more than a mere store of value. In addition to its material value, art also has a high emotional value. The pleasure of the work of art and the prestige factor distinguish the investment in art from other forms of investment.

Which paintings are valuable?
A valuable painting should meet the following criteria:
Flawless condition, without damage or restoration.
Renowned, preferably academic artist.
Wellknown artist. Signature present.
Painting is old – except modern art.
The motif must be pleasing and in keeping with the spirit of the times.

May I visit a gallery without registration?
Yes, interested persons may simply come in. There is no entrance fee for a gallery visit.

How much can art cost?
What can art cost? The simple formula of the art factor: width plus height times the artist’s factor. Even today, young artists are guided by this formula. It does not matter whether it is oil paintings, acrylic paintings or watercolor paintings. Artists usually start with a factor of 3 or 4 and increase this over the years and with success.

How does the artist calculate the price of a painting?
So (width plus height) times artist factor. Examples: A painting measures 1.20 m × 0.80 m, and the artist adds a factor of 5. Then the painting would cost length plus width in centimeters = 120+80, multiplied by 5, so 200 × 50 = 1,000 euros.

When is one considered an artist?
People who create artistic works or works of art in the fields of fine arts, performing arts, applied arts, literature, music, etc. are called artists. The distinction between freelance artistic activity and craft or trade is often fluid.

Is it okay not to buy anything in an art gallery?
No one is forced to buy anything in a gallery. No one is helped by a hasty decision to buy a work of art. Interested people should really like the works before buying them.

How to buy in a gallery?
An art gallery works much like a regular retail store. If the visitor likes a work of art, he or she asks the price and comes to an agreement with the gallery owner. Once the artwork is paid for, they get to take it home or have it sent to their house.

What makes art so expensive?
While artists create a work of art from an idea or feeling, the paintings are later exhibited and sold. Art collectors decide how much they want to pay. The more people see meaning in a work of art, the more valuable it becomes. Some collectors even invest their money in art.

Can I negotiate the price?
In a gallery, it is allowed to negotiate the price. This is what makes a purchase in a gallery different from a purchase in most retail stores in Germany.

What makes art valuable?
By far the most important factor affecting the value of a work of art is the name of the artist. Many collectors are inclined to buy works by well-known artists, since familiar names provide a certain degree of orientation and security.

How do I know if a painting is valuable?
The most important criteria for valuing a work of art include:
the artist or the artist,
Motive and dating of the work,
technique and dimensions,
provenance and exhibition history,
the condition of the work of art, and,
the current supply and demand situation.

Why should I buy a genuine work of art?
Sometimes it should be something special – for yourself or as a gift for others. Works of art are usually unique. They make the world more colorful, more varied and more interesting – and in the best case are inspiration and food for thought.

Is art a good investment?
Art has proven itself as an investment. Hardly any other type of investment has managed to multiply capital so sustainably over the long term. The art market is developing rapidly and is opening up more and more target groups and buyers. However, you have to be very lucky to invest in the right artist and to buy the right painting by him or her.

Ultimately, buying a work of art is something very individual –
and so are the reasons for buying it. While some people see art as an investment, others want to transform their house into a special place or are simply so enthusiastic about an artist that they would like to have a work by him or her in their own four walls.

Why should I attend a vernissage?
Guests usually have the opportunity to meet the artists and the gallery owner at a vernissage. In addition, guests can exchange ideas with other art lovers and purchase works of art directly. Often there is also an appealing supporting programme at a vernissage, such as a short guided tour by the artist and free wine.

Is art tax-free?
If a work of art is sold from private assets at a profit, this profit is tax-free, provided that the „speculation period“ of one year has been observed. Similar to securities, all costs associated with the acquisition, insurance, restoration, care, etc. of works of art in the private sphere are also tax-exempt.

When is a picture a painting?
A painting is a picture that has been painted by a painter. Painted means that the painter mixes the colours before painting with them. The picture is painted on canvas or a similar surface. Paintings are works of art.

When does art increase in value?
In fact, buying art is even a better capital investment than, for example, shares or other securities, because it does not lose its value and at most it can increase in value, as the well-known gallery owner Hubert Thurnhofer writes in his book „The Art Market Formula“: Art is a crisis currency.

Who painted the most expensive painting in the world?
„Salvator Mundi“ – World Saviour – is the name of the oil painting that achieved the record price of 450 million US dollars at Christie’s auction house in New York in 2017. This makes it the most expensive painting in the world. None other than universal genius Leonardo da Vinci is said to have created the Saviour.

Do I have to be invited to a vernissage?
Normally, anyone can come to a vernissage. Ultimately, however, it is the gallery owner who decides.

Who buys in galleries?
In addition to collectors and private individuals who buy paintings for their homes, many galleries also have museums as customers.

What makes the art4berlin GALLERY special?
The most beautiful kind of contemporary home design with unique, abstract paintings, modern art, extraordinary paintings by young artists. That’s what you’ll find at the art4berlin gallery.

The response from visitors to the art4berlin GALLERY:
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Schöner Wohnen mit Kunst

Die Galerie art4berlin präsentiert sprühend große Farbkunst, die für Begeisterung sorgt. junge kunst im webshop - Schöner Wohnen mit Kunst

Echte großformatige Gemälde!

Hier können Sie den Zauber von Kunst und Farbe erleben, genießen und zu außergewöhnlich günstigen Preisen kaufen.

Kunst, die Zuhause oder im Büro eine besondere Atmosphärechte grosse gemaelde 1024x602 - Schöner Wohnen mit Kunste schafft. Bilder, die positive Kraft, Lebensfreude und Entspannung schenken.

Farben und Formen, denen die Zeit nichts anhaben kann: Gemälde der Galerie art4berlin unterliegen keinem Modetrend.modern art moderne kunst 1024x602 - Schöner Wohnen mit Kunst

Im Gegenteil: hier entstehen eigenständige Design-Klassiker. Und während manche Modetrends schon nach kurzer Zeit alles andere als modern sind, haben Sie an Ihren Gemälden auch noch nach Jahren viel Freude.zeitgenoessische kunst berlin 1024x602 - Schöner Wohnen mit Kunst

Zeitgenössische Kunst statt Poster an Berliner Bürowänden!

Immer mehr Firmen verbinden Kunst und Geschäft miteinander. Es sollen dabei nicht nur die weißen Wände geschmückt und das Haus mit Kunst ausgeschmückt werden. Die ganze Architektur des Hauses sollte unterstrichen werden!

Gerade Unternehmen benötigen für ihre Büros Bilder. Wir statten Unternehmen mit Gemälden aus: durch Kunst bieten sich vielfältige Möglichkeiten, ein charakteristisches Profil mit hohem Wiedererkennungswert zu entwickeln.leinwandbilder modern art galerie 1024x602 - Schöner Wohnen mit Kunst

Arbeitszimmer, Konferenzräume und Vorstandszimmer können zu Orten der Kunst werden: Bilder der Harmonie und Spannung, Ruhe und Anregung – alles ist in einem Raum wichtig! Manche Bilder mögen rein dekorativ sein. Andere Gemälde wiederum führen über das dekorative Moment hinaus und unterstreichen visuell die jeweilige Unternehmenskultur- und individualität.

Neben Repräsentation und Imagegewinn gibt es noch andere wichtige Aspekte: die Mitarbeiter sollen sich wohlfühlen!gemaelde kunst 1024x602 - Schöner Wohnen mit Kunst

Gemälde schaffen eine positive Atmosphäre, lockern den Raum auf und machen diesen lebendiger. Nicht zuletzt entlastet Kunst von Arbeitsdruck, bietet eine spirituelle Heimat, zeigt neue Horizonte, läßt visionäre Welten erahnen und offenbart Glücksgefühle.

Für den gestreßten Unternehmer schafft Kunst eine Welt jenseits von Alltag, Termindruck und Sachzwang.

Das Thema Kunst möchten wir am Geld nicht scheitern lassen. Deshalb finden wir auch für kleine Töpfe angemessene Lösungen!

Freiheit für Individualisten: Moderne Kunst in ihrer zeitlosen Optik, die auch nach Jahren nichts an ihrer Attraktivität verliert.galerie berlin modern art 1024x602 - Schöner Wohnen mit Kunst

Die richtige Verbindung von Farben und Formen: das ist kein Wunschtraum, sondern die Wirklichkeit in der Galerie art4berlin.

Farben und Formen, denen die Zeit nichts anhaben kann: Gemälde der Galerie art4berlin unterliegen keinem Modetrend.

Im Gegenteil: hier entstehen eigenständige Design-Klassiker. Und während manche Modetrends schon nach kurzer Zeit alles andere als modern sind, haben Sie an Ihren Gemälden auch noch nach Jahren viel Freude.

Raumgestaltung mit Persönlichkeit: Jedes von Ihnen ausgesuchte Gemälde ist ein Ausdruck Ihrer Persönlichkeit und garantiert ein Einzelstück.

Farbe bekennen: ein Gemälde wird zum farblichen Highlight Ihrer Wohnung.abstrakte kunst moderne bilder 1024x602 - Schöner Wohnen mit Kunst

Moderne Kunst, abstrakte Gemälde, moderne Bilder, Malerei finden Sie in vielen Berliner Galerien.

Kunst kaufen von Berliner Künstlern

Acrylgemälde und Ölgemälde zur Wandgestaltung oder Wanddekoration zu günstigen Preisen finden Sie bei uns.

Besuchen Sie uns: Adressen und Öffnungszeiten


Moderne Kunst fürs Wohnzimmer

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Kunstgalerie direkt am Hackeschen Markt in Berlin! Brandaktuelle neue günstige Gemälde, großformatige Malerei, moderne Kunst. Es lohnt sich in den beiden Kunstgalerien in Berlin reinzuschauen! Ständig neues Angebot an moderner Kunst und Malerei.

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